Special guest Kate Kulzick (The Televerse) joins us to talk about ship lingo, splat sounds, actual violinists, and poor dead Albie, who gets a solid nickname after many drafts. We aimed for 60 minutes, so naturally it's two hours long.
Happy Thanksgiving from Allison, Julie, and Janine, who are very sorry that you had to deal with Jamie being such a dick this week.
Lots of love,
Your Drunks
We sing The Association, make do without Janine (we promise it sounds good even though Janine was on the lam this week and also he edited it so it's OK), and sing the praises of our very special guest, Keenan.
Oh, and we spend a lot of time talking about that little Jamie-lookin' motherfucker (who is very good and probably an extremely nice young lady.) If you like Keenan here, just wait — there's a bonus episode with her coming out later in the week for Patreon supporters at the $5 level and up. For everyone else, it'll be out after the Outlander season ends.
Like the show? Leave us a review on iTunes! It really does help.
Sorry, sorry, we meant #StartingAgain.
We had mixed feelings on this one (more mixed since that glorious glow of Hot Fergus faded) but had a hell of a lot of fun talking about it. We also, by complete coincidence, were drinking the most perfect beer in the history of beers for this one.
As always, thanks so much for your support, for listening, and for sending us such wonderful GIFs on Twitter—and a special shoutout to you, Daphne the Starz intern.
Lots of love,
Allison, Julie and Janine
The ladies of the Drunkcast step away from the Outlander season one re-watch to offer some suggestions on other shows you might want to check out, including Grace and Frankie, Atlanta, and the best television show in the history of the world.
Well, here it is! The first episode of our Outlander season one coverage. It just so happens that it's also the first episode we've done hungover, which is fitting, as Claire spends so much of season one hungover herself.
A few things are different this time around. We're including a tiny spoiler section at the end of each episode, so if anyone's watching Outlander for the first time they can remain relatively unspoiled. (That said, we're only human, so something may slip past us every once in awhile.) Also, we're now releasing our content every Wednesday, unless you're a supporter on Patreon, in which case you'll get access to that sweet sweet episode a day early. Patreon patrons also get bonus content from time to time. Right now, it's access to our live show at Wizard World Chicago. The audio quality's bunk, but the jokes are on point.
We'd love to know your thoughts if you're revisiting season one as well! Find us on Twitter or Facebook and share your thoughts, especially if they're filthy.
In your face, Droughtlander!