**Content Warning - Suicide**
Hi, y'all -
Allison and Julie got together remotely to discuss the finale of season seven of Starz's Outlander, "A Hundred Thousand Angels.' This episode was...not really our favorite! Remaining excellent, however, are Amelia's jokes from the live watch attached below. This episode has some book spoiler-y stuff in it around 27:50 to 34:00-ish and again around 48:30-ish. Here's a spoiler for free; David Berry is the shit.
Lots of love -
Allison and Julie
**Amelia's jokes in absentia:
1) During peeing in the bucket "Written in My Own Heart's Urine. Blood of my Urine."
2) During blood type conversation "Claire's blood type is O-positive."
Photo courtesy of Starz
Hi, y'all -
Allison, Amelia, and Julie got cozy together to talk about Starz's Outlander season 7 episode 15, "Written In My Own Heart's Blood." We enjoyed this one a great deal! All hail Sam Heughan getting it done in-TENTS. But we gotta say...the stars, Starz? THE PAINTING?? Come on.
We'll be back in two weeks for the season finale!
Lots of love -
Allison, Amelia, and Julie
Photo courtesy of Starz
Hi, y'all -
Allison and Julie got together remotely to chat about Starz's Outlander s7B ep 14, "Ye Dinna Get Used To It." They both really enjoyed this one! As Allison says, this episode has everything - fashion eyepatch, sexy cheese, and a slimy worm. Enjoy!
Lots of love -
Allison and Julie
Photo courtesy of Starz
Hi, y'all -
Allison, Julie, and very special guest J.B. Fletcher (Allison's dog, not the one who wrote murder) get together to chat about Outlander s7B episode 13, "Hello, Goodbye." Overall a pretty enjoyable episode! We love Weeian and Rachel's wedding, and Roger's Dad is hottttttt. The thing we both love the most? The Scottish Highland landscape porn (drool).
Best Holiday wishes,
Allison, Julie, and J.B.
Photo courtesy of Starz
Hi, y'all -
Fragile masculinity is on parade in this episode of Outlander, and, as you can imagine, Allison and Julie are having none of it. They thought you were dead! Everything is OK, your biological Dad is hot, and if you don't want to talk to him, you don't have to! Ugh! Rachel and Denzel give us some good scenes, and Coinface really brings it. Watch this episode just for his 'no fucks to give' face. It's worth it.
Lots of love -
Allison and Julie
Photo courtesy of Starz
Hi, y'all -
Allison, Julie, and Amelia got together in the new comfy recording set up to gab about Outlander s7B episode 11, "A Hundredweight of Stones." Wow! Woweeeewowowow. Ummm...We don't even know what to say here except GIVE DAVID BERRY A LORD JOHN SPINOFF, YOU COWARDS.
Lots of love -
Allison, Julie, and Amelia
Photo courtesy of Starz
Hey y'all,
IT'S DAVID BERRY SEASON, LET'S GOOOOOO. Allison and Julie sat on the couch like two Kelly Clarksons to discuss the mostly excellent second episode of season 7B -- mostly excellent because excellent until we sensed the presence of facial hair interference. But David Berry is back in the BUILDING, how mad can we be???
Listen wherever you get your podcasts!
Hello friends!!
Allison, Julie, and Amelia are back on the Outlander beat, baby!!
In this episode, we discuss season seven episode 9 of Starz's Outlander, "Unfinished Business." So much love for Ian and Weeian! We didn't know how much we missed you, Daddy. Also - an addition of a great voiceover choice, in our humble opinions. Listen wherever you get your podcasts!
Lots of Love -
Allison, Julie, and Amelia
Photo courtesy of Starz
Welp. Here we are. Its about to start again. I'm talking about Outlander.
Allison, Julie, and Amelia got together to record this reaction episode to the full season 7b trailer trailer. You can watch and follow along here:
*mild plot/book spoilers at 23:12
Allison, Julie, and Amelia
photo courtesy of Starz
Hi, y'all -
Allison and Julie got together on a Friday night (!) to watch and rewatch the new opening credits for Outlander season 7B. We're gonna hit that pause button, and we're gonna have THOUGHTS, our friends! If you want to play along, we watched the official Starz YouTube channel version:
Lots of love -
Allison and Julie
Photo credit - courtesy Starz official YouTube
Hi, y'all -
Guess who's back?? Just kidding, WE ARE. Herein you will find Allison and Julie's reactions to the official Starz Outlander season 7B teaser. Here's a link to watch along:
As is customary, we weren't so great with the tech, but we are great with the bits! Stay tuned - we've got content leading up to the November 22nd season premiere.
Lots of love -
Allison and Julie
Photo credit - courtesy Starz official YouTube
Hi, y'all -
Janine was in town so we got him in front of a miiicro-phooone to catch up on what he's up to, and also to shoot the shit about Outlander season 7a. He still watches! We had a good time getting the band back together.
It would be remiss of me not to quote Amelia "Ham On The Loose" Buzzell re: her amazing photoshop skills - "You've heard of Elf on the Shelf, but are you familiar with JANINE IN THE SCREEN?" Enjoy!
Lots of love -
Allison, Julie, and Janine
Hi, y'all -
Julie is out this week, but never fear. Allison and Amelia have thoughts and jokes a-plenty about Outlander , season 7 episode 7, "A Practical Guide for Time-Travelers."
One thing we can all agree on is that we love Diarmaid Murtagh as Buck MacKenzie, and we would join his Tufty Club any day. Another thing....Roger Mac can fucking ROCK a kilt.
Lots of love -
Allison and Amelia
Photo Credit - © Starz (2023)
**Content Warning - suicide, self-harm. Skip 33:55 - 34:05 to avoid.**
Hi, y'all -
Who the hell is that guy?? We all felt that, right? It wasn't just us....right?
Whiffed "Nuckelavee" reveal aside, there's a lot of good stuff to talk about in this episode. Claire being a boss bitch! Willie being the worst spy! Jamie finally accepting the mantle of Terminator! HAND FLEX!! We promise we don't really think they are throwing shit in there just for us, but the waulking wool lady felt a little on the nose.
Confidential to Toby Bakare (Walter Woodcock) - thank you for being excellent at your job!
Lots of love -
Allison, Julie, and Amelia
Photo Credit - © Starz (2023)
Hi, y'all -
Oooooh! We. Love. This Episode!! Allison and Julie are joined by Amelia to break down Outlander season 7, episode 4 "A Most Uncomfortable Woman." Willie...Rachel....Weeian....all so good. And to be blessed with another scene featuring an actor who now lives on our Mt. Rushmore of Outlander performances?? Hashtag-blessed!
Lots of love-
Allison, Julie, and Amelia
Photo Credit - © Starz (2023)