Hey y'all,
Our third and (for now) final episode on Gurinder Chadha's wonderful rom-com (with songs!) lies within. We're joined by a special guest, writer/podcaster Manish Mathur! In the episode, Manish mentions an article he wrote: that's 10 Essential Films from Indian Cinema, and it's well worth your click. If you want to listen to his delightful podcast about romance in film, It Pod To Be You, you can find that here. We should be jealous because his pod name is so much better than ours, but we like listening to it (and talking to Manish) too much to be ornery.
Next up: Pride & Prejudice: A New Musical!
Lots o' love,
Allison, Julie, and Janine
Hey y'all,
We! Love! This! Movie!
Lots of love,
PS - No life without wife.
Hey y'all,
THIS IS A GOOD MOVIE! THAT IS ABOUT ALL WE HAVE TO SAY BUT WE'RE SAYING IT IN ALL CAPS! Please enjoy the first of three episodes on this total gem.
Lots of love,
Allison, Julie, and Janine
Hey y'all,
Here's our third and final b-road trip episode, in which we discuss the highs, lows, and WHAT THE FUCKs of Men In Kilts and The Wine Show. Mouse Rat rules.
Lots of love,
Allison, Julie, and Janine
Hey y'all,
Rakes gonna rake. Julie's off for this episode, so Allison and Janine are joined by friend-of-the-show Amelia Buzzell for this chat about the live-streamed performance of Adrian Lukis' one-man show Being Mr. Wickham. Lydia's doing very well, thank you for asking.
Lots of love,
Allison, Julie, and Janine
Hey y'all,
We're joined this week by the GOAT Caroline Bingley and our new favorite dog choreographer, Jeanne Simpson! Jeanne talks to us about her experience on Wishbone, why she loves Jane Austen, and what it's like to choreograph a dance about learning to use the shitter. It's a very special episode. We hope you enjoy listening to our conversation even half as much as we enjoyed having it.
You'll hear more about these things in the episode, but here's Edith Layton on bookshop.org, here's Gotta Dance Productions, and we'll pick a Sunday in June to have a lil' Fitzmob.
Next week: Being Mr. Wickham!
Lots o' love,
Allison, Julie, and Janine
Hey y'all,
And now, our first impression of Wishbone's "Furst Impressions." The first in a three-part series. All on Wishbone's "Furst Impressions." This is not a joke, we really are doing three episodes on "Furst Impressions." With only slightly further ado, enjoy.
The additional ado: you'll hear about this in the episode, but our next PP is Being Mr. Wickham, which you can see via Theatre Royal, which is livestreaming the show on April 30 and May 1. More details here. (If you don't watch, you'll still enjoy the episodes, we promise. )
Lots of love,
Allison, Julie, and Janine
Hey y'all,
Herein continues our coverage of the bro-ad trip shows within our purview, Men In Kilts and The Wine Show. As a reminder, last week, we started with MIK, episode one. This week brings our thoughts on The Wine Show's first episode. Next we jump back onto the Austen beat (what's next? WOULDN'T YOU LIKE TO KNOW) and in the interim we'll binge both these suckers, and then we'll do an episode on both complete first seasons. And we'd love to hear your thoughts! If you've watched either (or both), please hit us up in the Patreon comments, on Slack, via Twitter or Facebook, or however else you like.
The next batch of episodes, y'all? We are STOKED.
Lots of love,
Allison, Julie, and Janine
Hey y'all,
This is your part two! Hopefully you've JUST listened to DCTP episode 2. If not, we think you'll have fun anyway.
Lots o love,
Allison, Julie, and Janine
We highly recommend that you listen to this episode and the next one, which will post immediately afterward, back-to-back. This one's short-ish, the next one's not. They're of a pair and you'll enjoy both more in sequence.
Anyway, here's episode 2 of Death Comes To Pemberley, or the one where Allison tells on herself re: her teeny tiny crushes on Matthew Rhys and Jenna Coleman.
Lots of love,
Julie, Allison, and Janine
Hey y'all,
Here's part three of our Bridget Jones's Diary extravaganza! At the end of this episode, you'll hear us say that our next episode is Pride & Prejudice & Zombies, but SIKE it's actually a BJD costumes episode. After that, though! Zombies! They're coming to get you, Barbara!
Many thanks to the great Caroline Siede, our guest for this episode. We think it's one of our best, and that's no coincidence—it's because Caroline is very, very good at her job.
You can read her excellent column on BJD, the first in her series When Romance Met Comedy, over at The A.V. Club.
Hey y'all,
Happy Holidays to those who celebrate and a Very Merry Almost 2021 to those who don't! Enclosed within is our gift to you, in a matter of speaking: The first of four (five, for Patreon members!) episodes on the rom-com classic, Bridget Jones's Diary. Listen on for our thoughts on patriarchal bullshit, the devious hotness of asshole Hugh Grant, and paddle-pools.
This podcast, and thus all of you, have been such a huge and wonderful part of a shitty year. Thanks for listening. We hope you're well and safe, and so are those you love.
Lots of love,
Allison, Julie, and Janine
Hey y'all,
Ugggggggggggggggh, this is not a good movie. It's not even really a Pride and Prejudice adaptation. But we had a great time talking about it all the same, especially because we were joined by a dear old friend—the goddess, the legend, the reality television almuna, Elise Mayfield. Elise's audio cut out in the last few minutes, but she had just made a joke so good that we couldn't excise that section entirely — you'll know when you get to that point. Elise is the Development Manager of Birmingham's Red Mountain Theatre Company, and she's also the co-host of Terrific New Theatre's interview series Who's Zoomin' In? You can follow her on Instagram; she is the fuckin' best, and yes, her hand pies are good.
Back next week! Happy holidays!
Lots of love,
Allison, Julie, and Janine
Hey y'all,
Well, something had to follow our beloved BBCPPAE, so it may as well be the 1940 Pride & Prejudice Laurence Olivier/Greer Garson-starring adaptation, a.k.a. the one with the snack sleeves. Listen on for our thoughts on leftover Gone With the Wind costumes, Aldous Huxley, and sexy sexy archery.
Next week is the 2018 Hallmark "adaptation," Christmas At Pemberley Manor. It's not good!
Lots of love,
Allison, Julie, and Janine
Hey y'all,
It's the end of the road (for now, at least) for the 1995 BBC/A&E miniseries adaptation of Pride and Prejudice, and we have thoughts. Consider this our farewell to Colin's calves (also for now—those calves are forever).
Next week, it's Laurence Olivier and Greer Garson's turn!
Lots of love,
Allison, Julie, and Janine
Hey y'all,
Please read these notes! You will need them!
As you'll hear, this episode comes with a visual aid. You can find Keenan's PowerPoint here. You can see a picture of a bourdaloue here. As for our amazing guests, you can find them on Twitter here and here.
Two other quick notes: First, you'll notice some weird audio things here. We had some tech issues but the episode was just too good to scrap over weird sound stuff, so please bear with us. We think you'll agree it's worth it. And second, since we recorded, Syfy Fangrrls, one of Emma's most frequent outlets, has sadly shuttered. (Media is dying, please buy a freelance journalist a donut today!) But you can still find her work, and the work of the other incredible writers who worked for that publication, elsewhere.
Next time, we wrap up the miniseries as a whole. Thanks for listening!
Lots of love,
Allison, Julie, and Janine
Hey y'all,
Are the shades of our podcast to be thus polluted? We reach the end of PPBBCAEnemesis, as it is properly known, and get in a few last dunks on poor Lydia. But never fear, this is not the end of our miniseries chat—two more episodes, and then we move on to the Laurence Olivier/Greer Garson film adaptation.
Have a SAFE, EXTREMELY SAFE holiday.
Lots of love,
Julie, Allison, and Janine