Okay, y'all. Have fun. Bonus: Listen for when Sofie has a nightmare while we're recording and Julie has to go wake her up. It was distressing, but not as distressing as some other things.
Lots of love,
Allison, Julie, and Janine
Happy Thanksgiving, nerds!
Listen on for our thoughts on Roger's heel turn, Sophie Skelton's much-improved accent, Claire's thing for skulls, the footwear choices of ghosts, and loads of in-the-boooooooks.
Have a great holiday, we'll be back with the next episode (already in the can!) before you know it.
Fill your mugs and drink deep, friends, because this is a rough one.
Julie and Allison were on their own this week, but even without Janine's gentle guidance/reminders to stay on task, we'd have had some trouble. That was an upsetting hour with a few great performances and one blessed, very silly skunk attack.
Not sure what else to say, really. If we end up talking out of our asses, please call us on it—especially if you're a POC. Allison's on Twitter, Julie's on Facebook, and you can reach us both here.
Lots of love,
Julie, Allison, and Janine
NOTE: Now the correct audio file. Thanks to everyone who let us know about the error!
It's back!
This is a bit of an odd episode, because we did the last bit at Rogers Park Social, where we watched the premiere live with a bunch of you (Hi all! Thanks for coming.) But in many respects, it's business as usual. Nicknames. Swearing. A very good dog. (That part's new.)
We've got a backlog of episodes to release—life got crazy, in good ways and bad, for all of us—so please forgive us if all of a sudden we're talking about stuff that happened in June. This, though, is in very good time.
Our new release schedule, if that's your bag, is as follows:
Patreon - Monday
Everywhere else - Wednesday
Bonus/Backlog - Kinda random times?
More to come soon!
Julie, Allison, and Janine