Hey y'all,
So there's officially an Outlander prequel in the works at Starz called Blood of My Blood, and it's the love story of Jamie's paren--OH MY GOD YOUNG PAMPLEMOUSSE.
We're doing monthly episodes during WithOutlander, so we'll be back in your feeds come September for a mAiLbAg EpIsOde!!!1! If you've got thoughts to share, a question or two to ask, a nickname you'd like explained, or anything else you wanna say, email us - podlanderdrunkcast@gmail.com.
In the meantime, we hope you'll check out Sick Burn, Jane and Podgerton Bridgecast: a Bridgerton Podcast, and also that you're having a marvelous day in this fucked-up world.
Hey y'all,
During the thing we call Withoutlander because we refuse to use the other term, we're going to bring you at least one classic, Outlander-centric episode a month. Buuuuuuuuuut we got behind schedule on this one so you're getting your July episode and your August episode in the same month. Next week we'll be back to talk about Blood of My Blood, naturally, but for now please enjoy this in-the-boooooooks chat with two very special guests, listeners Nicole and Emily!
Lots of love,
Allison (and Julie, in absentia because she hasn't read the books, because SHE CAN'T READ, twist)