Well, our livestream had more than a few technical difficulties, and we got Janine hammered, and maybe Cherry Bounce was a bad idea... but Lord, you gave us a rare episode, and we loved it well.
Listen on for our thoughts on Young Ian, Hot Fergus, and Blessedly Inoffensive Mr. Willoughby, as well as our sheer joy at once again experiencing the full Cornish Game Hen.
Other highlights: Allison forgot about a major book thing! Janine talks about loneliness! We all hit our elbows on the table a bunch!
Allison, Julie, and Janine
Oh, my dears. We answered a bunch of questions you had, and mostly told the truth. We drank a lot, as you would expect. We (Allison) forgot to include Dr. Rawlings' journals in the list of book stories she wants to see. We all forgot to keep our elbows off the table and as a result this is a *loud* episode.
Regardless, we had fun shooting the shit with our special guest Jen Moniz, and hopefully this'll tide you over until Sunday.
ON THAT NOTE: We are working on a setup that will allow us to livestream our viewing (with Janine!) of this week's exxxxxtra long episode. Keep your eyes peeled. He's gonna blush so much.
Allison, Julie, and Janine
You're not even really reading this, because OH MY GOD PRINT SHOP AND OH MY GOD HUMAN TURTLENECK.
Just in case you are reading this, we—obviously—loved this one, particularly those last perfect minutes. We also love Joe (more Joe, please) and Wee Roger and are encouraged to see Miss Sophie, erm, improving. And that accent's better!
But come on, this is all about that ending. Trust me, that's mostly what we talk about. Well, that and the glassware, because JFC, that is some great glassware.
Other notes: If you've got questions you want answered or topics you want covered, next week we're doing a grab bag episode! Hit us up here, or on Twitter, or wherever.
We love ya, ye ken--
Allison, Julie, and Janine
We had mixed feelings about this episode, though our feelings about Coinface are pure and true. We also go on a verra long tangent or two, finally figure out Janine's catchphrase (thanks, Kathryn!), and figure out which Bennett sister Isobel is.
Thanks for listening — and if you've got a moment, please leave us a review! It really does help.
We made it through this whole description without mentioning Geneva. You're welcome.
We are verra bereft.
Allison and Julie had mixed feelings about this episode, and not just because we're now going to have to live without the world's best jactor (that's jaw-actor, for those new to the fun and games). But we take some solace in the incredibly promising new cast member on the scene, and in the fact that Sam was *great* this week.
But most importantly... PAMPLEMOUSSE LIVES.
The third season of Outlander marches on with some questionable follicular choices and one extremely cute baby. Most importantly, we bid farewell to Credits Deer, that ungrateful bastard.
The Outlander Droughtlander (ugh) is finally over, which means Allison, Julie, and Janine are all going to experience liver failure. Make sure to pop on over to Twitter (@podlandercast) and vote in our very very important poll. Viva Les Frasers and Outlander Season 3!
In which Allison, Julie and Janine watch 30 seconds of something.
Because one Dudelander is never enough...here's part two.
You know them, you love them...the Dudelanders are back.
The Podlander gals warm up their d20 and dole out season awards with abandon.
We can't even be pithy. This episode is horrifying.
Jaime's in prison and Claire is going to get him out, dammit.
Jenny and Claire bond, then Murtaugh takes a turn as Mama Rose.
The Watch comes to Lallybroch, Jenny gives birth, and Ian gets his groove back.
We meet Jenny, we see pecker, and we can't go home again
Jaime hears the whole truth and gives Claire a hand.
Claire and Geillis stand trial for having vaginas and Ned shows up to help
The Duke of Sandringham returns to steal this show and Laoghaire continues to be the absolute worst.
Jaime makes choices, Claire prefers to stand, and ugh Laoghaire is back.
Some shit happened in the USA this week, so be prepared to hear us be sad about it. But also...our Dungeons and Dragons-inspired midseason awards are on point.
Frank gives up, Claire learns to fight, and Jaime swashes a most excellent buckle.
Back and forth through time, Claire is torn between two incredibly handsome men. WHAT WILL HAPPEN?!?
Allison and Julie are joined again this week by our pal Amelia Buzzell, who was, like us, disappointed that there wasn't more Ned Gowan in this episode. Instead, it's the Tobias Muhzmenzsz show, and while this one probably won't end up on your list of favorite episodes any time soon, he's very good at his job, which is acting.
Thanks for joining us, Amelia! And cheers for not putting the claret at risk.
Enjoy! Well, as much as you can, what with the flogging.
Claire's hitting the road in a fetching fur-cuffed jacket, ready to help Dougal and his merry men (notably the amazing lawyer Ned Gowan) collect rent. You know what that means?
October the 19th
8 a.m.
Central Standard Time
You're listening to our podcast
which has no script
See if anything comes of it,
instead of the usual shit.
First shot Julie,
who is really pissed that we're making so many musical jokes!
Ah, I give up. Anyway, we spend a lot of time rhapsodizing about Ned Gowan, too much time making musical theatre jokes, and the whole time basking in the glorious presence of special guest Amelia Buzzell, a Chicago-based writer and performerr who also bakes delicious things. She also brought along a visual reference, which you'll want when you listen. Enjoy!
We'll see you next week. As always, you can follow us on Facebook,Twitter, and Patreon. Thanks for listening!