For this episode, we were live. We did it live. Live at Empirical Brewery, we gave out our traditional end of season awards, and we did so live and in person. Live. It was in December. We're catching up on the backlog, we promise. So... happy holidays?
We also got to see so many of you! It was wonderful. We especially want to thank Megan and Tori, who brought waffles as per tradition, the wonderful Wisconsin contingent — and in particular Chantel, who brought us hats she knitted which are so warm and comfy, everyone who brought friends with them, and Jennlander Drunklynn, who came in from California (for reasons besides us, but still). It made us so happy and we were so touched.
Here we go! Love to you all.
Lots of smooches,
Allison, Julie, and Janine