Hi, ya'll -
Allison and Julie are back on the Outlander beat, baby!
Welcome to Outlander season 7, where we're about to see a metric fuckton of THOOOOSE Cooooaats. But first - let's watch a master at his craft. Mark Lewis Jones is so freakin' good in episode 1 "A Life Well Lost." We enjoyed it....with a few quibbles, naturally (Julie - "too many boats").
Guess how many musical theatre references Allison makes in this episode. Now double that number.
Glad to be back -
Allison and Julie
Photo Credit - © Starz (2023)
We know you've all been waiting for us to react to the new official trailer for Outlander season 7. Your wish is our command!
Lots of love -
Allison and Julie
Hi, y'all -
Herein you will find three “episodes” of What Now, where Allison and Julie shoot the shit for a minute about some random topic chosen by the hand of fate (i.e. - the excellent board game Personal Preference). Usually we reserve these for our Patreon supporters, so Julie gives a lil’ explainer at the beginning to get you up to speed.
If you’re into it, consider supporting us on Patreon to get sweet, sweet bonus content like this on the reg!
Lots of love -
Allison and Julie
Photo by Simone Secci on Unsplash
Hi, Y'all -
Allison and Julie got together to discuss the announcement that season eight will be the final season of Outlander. We still have plenty to talk about and no idea of stopping anytime soon!
Lots of love -
Allison and Julie
Hey y'all,
Hey y'all,
So there's officially an Outlander prequel in the works at Starz called Blood of My Blood, and it's the love story of Jamie's paren--OH MY GOD YOUNG PAMPLEMOUSSE.
We're doing monthly episodes during WithOutlander, so we'll be back in your feeds come September for a mAiLbAg EpIsOde!!!1! If you've got thoughts to share, a question or two to ask, a nickname you'd like explained, or anything else you wanna say, email us - podlanderdrunkcast@gmail.com.
In the meantime, we hope you'll check out Sick Burn, Jane and Podgerton Bridgecast: a Bridgerton Podcast, and also that you're having a marvelous day in this fucked-up world.
Hey y'all,
During the thing we call Withoutlander because we refuse to use the other term, we're going to bring you at least one classic, Outlander-centric episode a month. Buuuuuuuuuut we got behind schedule on this one so you're getting your July episode and your August episode in the same month. Next week we'll be back to talk about Blood of My Blood, naturally, but for now please enjoy this in-the-boooooooks chat with two very special guests, listeners Nicole and Emily!
Lots of love,
Allison (and Julie, in absentia because she hasn't read the books, because SHE CAN'T READ, twist)
Hey y’all,
So we threw a lil’ wake for Janine’s microphone in the form of a livestream on Crowdcast. You can watch the replay of the whole shebang on Patreon (at any level of support!) but we wanted to share this section with everyone.
Lots of love-
Allison, Julie, and Janine
Friend-of-the-show Jen Moniz joined Julie IN PERSON to watch and recap episode three! She brought a blueberry cake, so you know she was raised right. Hi, Mom!
They had a great time with this one, even with all the sad themes. César Domboy really dialed it in, and that was good to see.
Lots of love -
Julie (Allison and Janine will be back soon, I promise)